Picking your team
It has been a great road towards the end of the year. If you haven’t been following our posts, we are running a series called #Before2015. In this series we are looking at changes that we ought to make leading into the new season. This is the fourth instalment in that series, the previous three looked at dealing with emotional scars, no more excuses and forgiveness. If you missed these just follow the links.
Regardless of who you have been walking with in your journey thus far, it is time to review those around you. With whom you are associated will always impact on your destiny. Some people you keep around you are the reason you have not reached the altitudes that you were made for. Jesus himself knew this and showed it in his own life, out of all the people who walked with him he picked only 12 to walk with him, and even a fewer for his inner circle. Not everyone who is around you is after your good, many are just there because they see how they can benefit from positioning themselves with you. They do not care for your welfare, just as Judas did not care for Jesus’ welfare. These are not the people you want around you as you enter the new year. Pick a team, pick your team wisely.
In Genesis 12, we see a man named Lot who decided to be on his uncle’s team, a decision that changed his destiny forever. A while later he was teamed up with people in Sodom and Gomorrah when the Lord was going to destroy the cities. Your association with the wrong people can cost you your life, choose your team wisely!!
On his greatest war the mighty man Gideon had to pick only 300. He had to down scale an army for the biggest task that he would face. Its not about how big your team is, it is more important to have team players on your team instead of just adding up the numbers. Just because people are walking besides you does not mean that they are walking with you, or that they are headed to the same destination. An ordinary team will walk on the same route with you, a good team will stand with you in times of war and chaos, a great team will drag you forward when you cannot carry on on your own feet. Choose a great team.
Keep your team compact and efficient, numbers don’t always translate to results.
Let’s pray:
Father, before this year ends sift my life. Rid it of anything and anyone that is not working for my good. Anything or anyone that is standing or my stand in the way of your will in my life, remove it father. I pray for strength and wisdom to let go of those who you rid me of. Thank you for growth in the name of Jesus. Thank you for the great team that you are building around me. Thank you father. Amen.
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