The value of experiencing God’s visitation cannot be overstated. This is something that King David had an incredible grasp of. At his lowest moment, he would have given everything but the presence of the Lord. He would have given up the kingdom, fame and all that came with it, but “take not your Holy Spirit.”
To understand this even further, you only need to read the bible. Ordinary men and women would do extraordinary things when they had the Lord with them. Scripture often says, “Then the spirit of the Lord came over him/her. The rest is history.
Experiencing God’s Visitation
Where the spirit of the Lord is there is
2 Corinthians 3:17 King James Version (KJV)
17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
Now we know that the Lord is not flesh, he is a spirit. With his presence comes liberty and fullness of joy. This tells us that as believers are not to be satisfied with anything less than his very presence. Not that of a pastor, prophet or any other minister.
We know from scripture that when anyone sought the Lord, they had to go through a priest. The priest was the one who would make offerings to the Lord on behalf of his people. Those who would take matters into their own hands, even for the right reasons would be going against
Saul is a perfect example of this. Where he ought to have waited for the prophet Samuel, to come and make a sacrifice, he made it himself. Granted he justified it by saying there were at war and he needed to see things change urgently. Most of us can relate to this.
When we wait on the Lord, and he does not show up at the time we expected him to. This causes most of us to feel justified to take matters into our own hands. How easy is it to forget
The Disciples tarried in Jerusalem
Luke 24:48-50 King James Version (KJV)
48 And ye are witnesses of these things.
49 And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.
50 And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his
hands, and blessed them.
When we think of the disciples, we think of the apostles who went on to turn the world upside down. What we often forget is that it was not exactly a “turn-key” approach. They were instructed by an omniscient God, to wait.
They did not have the foresight to realise just how difficult it would all become without Christ. Peter could not take the thought of denying his leader. Yet, he would deny him 3 times. This was not a surprise for the Lord at all. In fact, he foretold this.
There is a reason and a season to tarry. We often want to keep ourselves doing something. This causes us to forget the importance of being still. There is something transformational in just waiting on the Lord.
Jesus understood the importance of God’s visitation to the disciples. He understood that they would never be able to complete their mission without God’s visitation. This is what he told them to wait for. How often do we rush forward blindly into the right things in the wrong way or at the wrong time?
We are not orphans
John 14:18-24 New King James Version (NKJV)
18 I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.
We are not called to be timid. Rather be bold as lions! Jesus did not leave us as orphans. His promise was for one that would come after him. The one who would be called a “counsellor” and a “comforter”.
God is faithful to his word. He watches over it to perform it. He saw this promise come to pass. Our counsellor, the one for whom the disciples had to been told to wait for arrived. When he did, they were empowered to step out of hiding. They were empowered to go out and turn the world upside down for God.
We live in such a beautiful time. Instead of waiting for God’s visitation, he is resident in us. The Holy Spirit is with us. Samson had to wait for the spirit of God to come over him. When Saul prophesied after being anointed King, he too had to wait for the spirit of God to come over him.
You have that very spirit here and now. If you have received the gift of the Holy Spirit, it is one that you carry for the rest of your life. We are doing nowhere near what we are empowered to do, by virtue of having the Holy Spirit residing in us.
We should not become comfortable in being passive Christians. To have and not use the gift of the Holy Spirit is to waste this amazing gift that we have. Imagine what our cities would look like if more and more of us would pick up the mantle that the disciples picked after they had God’s visitation.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit. We are grateful that you did not leave us as orphans in this cold world. Lord, I pray for everyone that will read or listen to this. In the mighty name of Jesus, let your spirit be poured into them.
Lord whatever burden they have been carrying, we know that it is not by chance that they are reading this. There is a purpose for this very moment. May they not finish reading this and remain as they were. Your Holy Spirit brings with it liberty. As they read this, liberate their mind and their hearts.
Give them the
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