Saying A Prayer for School Children and Teachers
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Why do we need prayer for school? We may all have different ideas on how schools should conduct their day to day business. One thing that we can all agree on is that when we send children to school, we expect them to return to us. We expect them to come out better, more accomplished in certain skills. This is why it is heartbreaking to hear of news of school shootings. When your children are put in harm’s way while in a place that is supposed to be a place of nurturing. This is a place that they should be thriving.
The scripture promises us that wherever we go, the Lord will be with us. This is the heritage that we should want for our children. In fact, as they are connected with us, they come under the same covering that we are under. We understand from scripture that the descendants of Abraham were blessed by virtue of being descendants of Abraham.
Prayers for our Schools
We are going to pray for students, teachers and everyone else involved in our schools. It is imperative that we send our children into school with God’s covering over them. Great men who came before us have refuse to go if God wouldn’t go without them. This is the same thing that we want for our children. Lord, if you are not going with them, my children should not be in that school.
Pray Peace and safety
There have already been too many children who have been physically harmed in school. Beyond the shooting, there are a lot of other crazy things that children have been through. Our prayer is that the Lord would cover our children in their schools. As we send them out, we send them out with him.
Dear Heavenly Father
I know they have fought to remove you and keep you out of school. By virtue of my child being in there, you are welcome oh Lord. We commit our children into your hands. Keep them safe when we cannot. Lord, you alone see what we cannot see. We thank you for fighting wars and delivering victories in battles that we are not even aware of.
No weapon fashioned against our children in school will prosper. As my child departs for school, I cover him/her in the blood of Jesus. Father just as you would have saved Sodom and Gomorrah for the sake of 5 faithful people, Lord we pray that you would preserve my children’s school for our sake. May your name be glorified in this. Now and forevermore. In the mighty name of Jesus! Amen
Pray that school fulfils its purpose – giving your child an education
Our schools are often filled with political and ideological agenda nowadays. This has often become a hindrance to the purpose of these fine institutions. Our prayer is that purpose would be served in our schools.
Lord, you are a God of purpose. A God that is faithful to see through anything that is started with you. We start our children’s education with you. See it through oh Lord. Father may its purpose come to completion in Jesus’ name. Amen
Pray for your child’s influences
It is easy to forget just how much of who our children become is influenced outside of the home. As they spend so much time at school, that is one place where they get a lot of influence. Before they start school we have an overview and control of what they see, hear and do. We decide who they associate with. Once they are in school, they are under all sorts of influences. The influence of their peers and that of adults within the school community. Our prayer is that they would be surrounded by good influence.
BAD company corrupts
1 Corinthians 15:33 New King James Version (NKJV)
33 Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”
Father, you teach us to train a child in the way that they should go. As much as we can, we have done so. Now that they are in school, they are under other people’s influence. Lord, I pray that you would surround my child with the right people. Bring around him/her people that will mould him in your ways. Raise teachers and staff members after your heart. Uproot from schools, those that have bad intentions and influence on our children. Expose those that are conniving in secrecy. In Jesus’ name.
Open our children’s eyes, that they may continue to seek and walk in the ways that we have trained them. Holy Spirit lead our children to remain not of this world, and true representations of Christ in all they do. In Jesus’ name. Amen
A Prayer for Teachers
We all know just how trying and stressful children can be. Most of us struggle with one or two children in the home. Yet, we expect teaches to excel with a group of dozens of children. Children that are coming from all walks of life. They are coming with all sorts of morals or lack thereof. Not the mention external factors that they have to deal with. They also have their own problem, their own families and own children. Let us uplift teachers in prayer.
Father, we thank you for the wonderful teachers that you have given to my children. We pray for wisdom and insight. Open their eyes so they may see where our children need guidance even when they don’t ask. Give them the grace to fill these voids, not by their own strength, but through your enabling grace. Soften their hearts, and fill them with love. We thank you for their families. Bless them, oh Lord, as they continue to be a blessing to our families. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen
Prayer for Good Grades for me and my classmates
Friendly competition is always healthy. At the heart of everything that our children do, we should desire that they would become lifters of others. God knows that there are enough things seeking the trample our children and their peers. This is a prayer that we could teach our children to pray.
Dear Heavenly Father
Thank you for my friends and my peers. Bless my classmates, oh Lord. Give them divine success. We ask that you would make us a class of note. May your hand be visible in all we do. Open our minds to become wiser learners. Grant us a great desire for knowledge. We pray for every exam that we will take. May these challenges be hurdles that we diligently overcome. Lord, I pray for good grades for me and my classmates. I pray for a fulfilling learning experience. May our classrooms and school be places where our dreams are ignited and fuelled! In Jesus’ name. Amen
A Teacher’s Prayer
We know some of our readers are teachers. I would give anything to have our children taught by a truly prayerful man or woman. Not just those who go to church, or have fancy titles behind their names. A truly prayerful teacher, one with a personal relationship with God. We have written a teacher’s prayer, to inspire them.
Dear Heavenly father. I thank you for my job. May it always be an opportunity to serve you. I thank you for every child that enters my classroom and is entrusted to my care. Lord, make me a good steward of their learning. Grant me the wisdom to be able to teach successfully. Fill my heart with empathy. May I see these children as you see them. Open my eyes to see the potential. Give me the wisdom to bring the best out of the children, in Jesus’ name. Amen
Back To School Prayer
Whether it’s at the start of a new term, or the start of a new school year, going back brings new challenges. The aspects that we rarely talk about are the spirits that come to our children’s schools. Remember there are children from all walks of life, with all sorts of beliefs and lack thereof. Schools are also the place where our children spend the bulk of their time. As such, it is where the enemy targets them the most. Why do you think there has been such a constant fight against prayer in schools? They cannot afford to be sent into schools without prayer!
Dear Heavenly Father, As our children go back to school, we put them into your hands. Lord, we cover them by the blood of Jesus. Lord, anything or anyone that rises against the knowledge of God in our children, let it be pulled down in Jesus’ name. Lord, surround our children with likeminded people, in Jesus’ name! Amen
Prayer To Be Led By God At School
Another for the children to pray. As much as they are in school to learn, they are there to be agents of positive change. They are there to be ambassadors of Christ. To show and be Jesus to the least among them.
Father, I thank you for my school. I pray that you would lead me while in school. Lord, open my eyes to see those who need to be loved. Give me the strength to stand for those who cannot stand for themselves. Give me wisdom to represent you as best I can. Make me an agent of love, in Jesus’ name. Amen
Prayer For Our School
Father, we thank you for our school. May your presence never be in doubt. We ask for your covering as we enter that place. Lord, we declare that we will not fall prey to the plots of the enemy in that place. We call you our rock, our fortress, our hiding place, our God in whom we trust. By your grace, we will not fear the arrows that fly by day! We declare that though a thousand may fall near our school, ten thousand near us, it will not come near us! In Jesus’ name. School shootings will not be our portion. Amen
Prayer For Vulnerable School Children
Father, we thank you for vulnerable school children. You know what they struggle with. We pray for a covering over their lives. Raise great support systems around them. Give compassion to those around them. That they would show grace to the vulnerable children. We pray for teachers and other school staff members. Open their eyes are giving them compassion to love as you would. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen
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