Christmas Prayer
Is it Christmas morning as you are reading this? Christmas is one of the most celebrated events worldwide for Christians and non-believers. Over the years, we have turned our backs on what this day is about. We have forgotten the reason that we celebrate Christmas. It is no longer about Christ for most people.
It has become “Happy Holidays” and “Merry X-Mas”. The answer is right in the name. Christmas is about Christ. This post is for those who have stuck to the roots and want to continue celebrating Christ. We will cover Christmas prayers and include supporting Bible verses as we remember the birth of Jesus.
Isaiah 9:6 King James Version (KJV)
6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son, is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
The prophet Isaiah foretold this day generations before it was to come. He told us that this child’s name would be called “Wonderful”, he would be called “Counsellor”, he would be called “The Mighty God”, “The Everlasting Father,” and, of course, “The Prince of Peace.”

All of this is who he became and who he remains today. Christ’s birth was heaven’s sacrifice. God knew that his son would die for our sins. His birth set our redemption from damnation into motion.
Let’s Say Our Christmas Prayer
Lord Jesus, We come together to thank you. We want to thank you for being the word made flesh. We thank you for dwelling among us. Father, we honour you for leading the wise men to see you, so they could testify that you had indeed been born.
We thank you for being our hope eternally. You hold my heart and that of others who are saying this prayer. We do not know where we would have been without your grace. If not for your sacrifice. You have granted us peace of mind for a day just to humbly come before your throne and call you Abba.
Your name is indeed Wonderful. You are Lord over my heart and mind. You are Lord over each day. You are the joy that cometh in the morning. You make each morning make us happy. Thank you for being there for us at every turn.
You are the power behind our powerful prayers. There is untold healing power in your name. Your name is Counsellor. We are never alone. You are forever here with us. We ask that as we celebrate you, you would renew my mind-body. Lord, make me an instrument that can carry your glory. Your death and sacrifice are not in vain.
We pray that you would bring families together in harmony on this day. Let all brokenness be made whole in you, for you are whole. We speak life into every dead family relationship.
Pride will not prevail. We speak humility into hardened hearts. Father, let this be a day of reconciliation. Bring your people together. In Jesus’ name, I pray.
Our nations desperately need you, oh Lord. We know you died so that we would have peace and peace more abundantly. For that is the reason you came to earth. Make our nations whole again. Teach us to love one another as only you can.
Open our eyes to see each other as brothers and sisters instead of enemies. Political and ideological divisions have torn us apart. Yet, you are the Mighty God. May your strength be fully displayed. Raise a mighty testimony in Jesus’ name.
You are the everlasting father. As the world continues to turn their backs on you, Lord, let our arms remain open. Let our hearts remain welcoming to you. Dwell in me, oh Lord. It is because of your pardoning that we are pardoned. We are grateful, oh Lord.
You are the Prince of Peace. Let your presence in our homes always bring with it peace. We acknowledge God’s strength and authority. As the day goes on and the night comes, let us go to our beds with grateful thought and grateful hearts.
Let it not only be today that we celebrate you. May we abide in you now and forevermore in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Merry Christmas from us
We want to take this opportunity to wish you a merry Christmas. It has been another incredible year for us so far. The Lord has been gracious to us in ways that we cannot even begin to describe to you.
The growth and reach that we have seen are beyond our wildest dreams. We set some ridiculous goals when God gave us this vision. As we get closer and closer to it we realise how ambitious it was. However, we know the might of the God that we serve.
Thank you to everyone that continues to support this ministry. There is plenty more to be done. There are plenty more people to be reached with prayer. God grants us a gift that reaches those that we could never physically reach.
Intercessors influence nations and kings from their war rooms. We hope that as you rest this Christmas God ignites prayer in you. There is a ministry waiting to come forth for your family, community and nation as a whole. Thank you for saying a Christmas prayer with us.
If you need prayer, SEND A PRAYER REQUEST TO US
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