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Those who have been walking with us on this journey will know that we constantly emphasise the importance of making prayer as deliberate as anything else. It does not just happen, you and I make deliberate plans and act on these plans. This is the only way to build and enhance a prayer life. At its very core, prayer is communication.
It is courting a relationship. There is a proverb in the Shona language of Zimbabwe, that goes “Rudo moto rinotokuchidzirwa.” This can be translated to “LOVE IS A FIRE, IT OUGHT TO BE FANNED!” This applies to prayer. The more you do it, the more of it you want, the more of it you find easy to do. For the month of September remember, “Prayer too, is a fire!” Let’s not allow it to die down.
Part of making prayer deliberate is writing things down and holding yourself accountable for things. At this point, get a paper, planner, journal so you can write down your prayer strategy for the month.
What/Whom will I pray for?
Think of things that you are believing God for this month. Start with things you would like to see him do for you this month. List everything down big and small. I want to challenge you to challenge your faith in this as well. Write two things that you are either struggling to believe God for or think are too big for you to achieve.
Be honest with yourself. Scripture tells us that when Sara had waited too long for God to bless her with a son, she laughed at the prophecy that it would finally come to pass. What is that stubborn thing for you, that has made you wait too long? He is a God of small and massive prayers.
Genesis 18:15 -: So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, “After I am worn out and my lord is old, will I now have this pleasure?”
Now move on to your family, what or who needs prayer in your family? What issues come to mind? Is it health issues for someone? It may be financial, spiritual or something else. Write down the people that come to mind and the issues to be prayed about.
Move on to your city. Write down the name of leaders who come to mind when you think of your city. You will also be interceding for them this month. What issues plague your city that you would like to see changed. In my case, I would write homelessness and drug abuse as some of the issues I would love to see changed.
Move on to your nation. As we have done before, write down the nation’s needs as far as you are aware. Think of what you have read in the news of late.
Finally, on a global scale, what would you like to see change?
Why am I praying?
Motivational speakers often say that it is your “why” that will keep you on course. Let’s figure out your “why” for all the things that you will be praying for. To do this, write down the impact that each of the changes you are believing for would have. A persistent focus on your why will keep you pushing.
When will I pray?
As mentioned, prayer is about building that relationship with the Lord. When will you meet with him to speak about all the things above? Plan daily prayer times that you will stick to. Start a prayer walk, perhaps daily or even weekly. Just take a walk and spend time alone with the Lord.
Part of being deliberate about prayer is building a routine which will then become a habit. A habit that would hopefully become a very part of your being! There is no better habit than that of meeting with the Lord.
Have you come across Bill Hybels’ sermon about a chair? It’s a great, thought to provoke preach about deliberately meeting with the Lord. Where you meet with the Lord is important. Beyond praying without ceasing, we are to set time/place aside to meet God.
Choosing your where is down to making sure you pick a place that is conducive. Take yourself away from distractions. Scripture tells us that Jesus would step away from the people to be alone with God. Life often robs us of this important component of prayer. Seek it. Afford yourself time and place for prayer. Here are some things to consider:
- Will I be alone?
- Can I enjoy being in this place?
- Is this a place I can come to frequently?
Make note of your progress throughout the month. Write down what you have done at the end of each day, write down what you intended to do and were not able to. Plan to reschedule those missed moments. The idea is not to beat yourself up, but to redeem the time, and be better stewards of it.
Ephesians 5: – 15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, 16 Redeeming the time because the days are evil.
That’s our strategy for a fruitful month of prayer, warriors! Keep us posted as you go through your month. You may email us on or message us via Facebook or Twitter.
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