Prayer for Restoration
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Restoration eludes to something that used to be a certain way of being returned to its original state. Life is hard, it will often knock us out of whack. Our best-laid plans often fall apart. The bible says, in their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. That’s Proverbs 16:9.
It is on that road to establishment that the enemy will seek to derail you. If you recall the story of Job, you will know that he had it all. The Lord had long established him as a successful person within his community. He had wealth, a lovely family and everything that any man could ever desire! He knew no lack physically or spiritually. He was satisfied!

When the enemy comes in, his goal is always to steal kill and destroy (John 10:10), but when you continue with that scripture you will find that Jesus came to stop the tyranny that the enemy seeks to launch on our lives. He says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Let that be your testimony! In Jesus’ name, you will have life and life more abundantly.
Restoration is no laughing matter, get ready to pray like you have not prayed before! Don’t pray like the person next to you, or worry about who is watching you. Their restoration is not the same as yours! They do not know what you have lost or are on the brink of losing!
May the glory of the Holy Spirit descend upon your prayer closet as you seek his face through these prayer points for restoration. I don’t know what the devil has stolen from you, or is actively stealing from you but I know there is liberty in Christ! Be restored! In the mighty name of Jesus!
Marriages are restored, in Jesus’ name! Businesses are restored in Jesus’ name!! Health is restored, in Jesus’ name! Ministries, be restored in Jesus’ name! Speak to your situation right now, whatever it is that you are believing God for a touch today, let it not go unaddressed.
Matthew 11:28
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
We are believing God for rest, for an uplift for those who have carried burdens too long! Let’s get praying!!
Belief/Faith prayer for restoration
Hebrews 11 tells us that without faith it is impossible to please God. Consequently, without faith, it is improbable to receive from the Lord. Asking and believing are equal requirements for receiving from the Lord. Even seasoned believers go through times of unbelief. Thomas, one of the disciples who had spent 3 years under the tutelage of Christ himself doubted!
Your prayer life yields more and more results as your faith increases. Peter who denies Christ 3 times turned the world upside down when his faith was in the right place, and he was backed by the Holy Spirit. I pray that you would receive the Holy Spirit today if you haven’t already. Jesus didn’t want to leave as an orphan. Don’t live as one!
Jeremiah 32:27
27 “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?
Let us start with a confession of faith. Say it with your own mouth and hear it. Faith comes by HEARING! Father, you are Lord, you alone are my God!
You are God over all mankind. You are God over everything in my sphere and beyond!
There is nothing too hard for you! No situation is too hard! My situation is not too hard for you!! I believe in your power! In Jesus’ name.
Matthew 6:33
33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Lord may my heart be set on you. I repent of desires that are put ahead of your kingdom. Lord may my heart yearn for you. As a deer pants for the water, let my soul also yearn for you oh God! By this obedience, let all these things be added to me. May my heart’s desire be added to me.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:
Father let no season pass me by. Whatever seasons you have set aside for my good, it will not pass me by. Lord, I pray that you would open my eyes to recognise your seasons in my life. Grant me wisdom to place myself in the right place for those seasons.
Ezekiel 37:1-10
What most expounders of this scripture don’t mention is that the dry bones that Ezekiel was looking at were not his own! They were not his own situation. As intercessors, which we all ought to be, we are called to speak into situations beyond our own. The question is, WHAT DO YOU SEE? What do you see in your nation? What do you see in your family? What do you see in your sphere? What dry bones are laying there?
Prophesy to the dry bones that you see!! Dry bones hear the word of the Lord…
Joel 2:12-13
“Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.”
13 Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.
Lord, we repent of times where we have given material at the expense of our heart. It is not material that you desire, Lord. Father, we give our hearts.
We return our hearts to you today, away from whatever has occupied them all the while. We rend our hearts not our garments to you. We thank you for showing us grace, compassion and mercy. Calamity will not be our portion, in Jesus’ name!
Stubborn Issues
Luke 8:43-44
43 And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years,a]”>[a]but no one could heal her. 44 She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped.
During Jesus’ time, there would have been priests and others who the sick would approach. Many of these would charge money just to be seen, without any guarantee of results.
This unnamed woman would have visited many of these, and perhaps even given up. There was just something about the anointing of Christ that calls up faith to arise! Let any suppressed faith within your rise again.
What is it that you have stopped praying for because you haven’t seen results in so long? All it takes is one touch! I want you to extend your hand again in faith, Lord, I need that one touch today in this stubborn situation.
I know it has been stagnant for a while, I know I have prayed for a while and not seen results. I am stretching my faith and my hand to you and trusting you to resolve this in my favour! In Jesus’ name!!
James 5:16
16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
Lord, we thank you for imputing your righteousness on me, a sinner! I refuse to dwell in sin.
Jeremiah 17:14
14 Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.
Father, we pray for stubborn illnesses in Jesus’ name! Situations that doctors have given up on, in Jesus’ name, let healing come to it in Jesus’ name! Wherever death has been declared as a verdict, father let life become a turnaround. Lord, we pray for life more abundantly oh Lord!
John 11:1-44
Lazarus Raised
Lazarus’ death is one of the most iconic miracles in scripture. There is a purpose for your trials! There is a purpose for every form of tribulation that you face! Father use everything meant for bad in my life, for good. Mary and Martha had long been calling the Lord to come and heal their brother Lazarus.
Jesus arrived when it was seemingly too late! There are situations in our lives today that seem too far gone for redemption, too far gone for restoration! There is nothing too dead for a resurrection. May restoration come to you today! Father raise a mighty testimony in the life of your people as they pray today!
- Father call situations that have been dead and buried in my life. Bring renewed life and restoration today.
- We pray for the family, friends, and those in our sphere. By our association with you, may they know your power. We are never told of any relationship between Lazarus and Jesus, but by virtue of association, he was raised from the dead. Let that be someone’s testimony today.
I have often wondered why the sisters didn’t ask for Jesus to send his word instead of coming himself? This is what the centurion did. Sometimes our faith masks our lack of faith. The ones closest to the source tend to become too familiar or too comfortable around the anointing to fully take hold of it.
Let this not be your story! Our churches are filled with Christians who have been in church for a long time but have lost that zeal, that fire, that faith to familiarity. Awaken them oh Lord, restore them!
- Lord may I never become too comfortable around you that I would take for granted what you can do, that I would forget who you are!! You are that balm of Gilead.
- Lord, we pray for Christians in our churches who have lost that zeal and passion for you. Father restore their faith! Restore their zeal! In Jesus’ name! Amen.
Permanent Situations
John 9:1-7
Jesus heals a man born blind
The scripture above tells us about a man that was born blind. There are situations that we are born into beyond our control. There are things that are done before we are born that can affect us for our whole lives. Even worse is that when we are blinded and accept that fate, we remain in these positions.
May you not remain in whatever place of stagnancy the enemy may have you. In Jesus’ name, your beginning will not be the same as your ending. Father raise testimonies through these prayers today, in Jesus’ name. Restore things that we have lost and never realised that we ever had!
- Lord, I refuse to be blinded by circumstance and miss your move!
- Whatever you are doing in my sphere, let it not pass me by!
- Whatever the Lord has said is mine, long before the foundations of the earth is mine!!
Isaiah 41:13
For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
Some have lost sight of this truth. Declare it with your mouth so your ears may hear it and your heart may believe it!
- Father, you are my Lord, my God!
- You are sovereign, and working things together for my good.
- I will not fear, for you, Lord will help me!!
Genesis 40:13
13 Within three days Pharaoh will lift up your head and restore you to your position, and you will put Pharaoh’s cup in his hand, just as you used to do when you were his cupbearer.
If you recall this story or have read our book 100 Daily Declarations Volume one, you will remember this prayer point. This cupbearer was at the lowest of low points. The Lord sent a man of God to him, and testimony was birthed.
If you believe it today, the Lord is restoring you to lost glory, to the lost position, to the lost office! Wherever you have been shunned, let your star shine. Father set your people before kings. As we pray, lift them up!
- Father, we pray for lost offices and positions to be restored!
- We pray for false testimonies in the workplace to be exposed and crushed!
Job 8:6
6 if you are pure and upright, even now he will rouse himself on your behalf and restore you to your prosperous state.
If you know the story of Job, you will know the magnitude of the truth that these words hold! Father raise upright and pure men in this generation that is desperately lacking such. Lord teach us to lean on Christ, and not on our own wisdom and understanding! Restore your righteous to their prosperous state!
Hosea 6:1
“Come, let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds.
Resurrection is birthed in surrender! Resurrection is fulfilled in Christ at Gethsemane when he surrenders, even when his will said otherwise! Our prayer is, Lord we are returning to you. We repent of all wickedness! May your ways be a light that we follow. Grant us grace and wisdom to walk in the footsteps that you order!
- Heal us oh Lord! Heal us of sin and rebellion!
- Let redemption be my testimony!
Joel 2:25-26
25 “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm“—my great army that I sent among you.26 You will have plenty to eat until you are full, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed.
The devil has laid waste to the lives of many believers and non-believers alike. What set us, as believers apart from everyone else is the one who is fighting in our corner. I don’t know what has been taken from you.
There is often a temptation to do things the world’s corrupt ways to get ahead. God, raise those who wait and do his will in the shadows.
- Wherever a harvest has been stolen, father bring restoration! There will plenty, no lack!
- We will no longer walk in shame! The Lord is working wonders!
Job 42:10
10 After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before.
Our prayer is that: whatever has been taken from you unjustly, may the Lord reward you with DOUBLE! Double your health, double your marriage, double your peace, double your finances, double in your business, double in your family!! IN the mighty name of Jesus!
Isaiah 61:7
Instead of your shame, you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace, you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.
Pray this with assurance, with complete trust in the Lord!
- Father, instead of shame I will receive a double portion.
- Father, instead of disgrace I will rejoice in my inheritance.
- I will inherit a double portion in this land! Joy is mine forevermore!
Spiritual Restoration & Health Restoration
Jeremiah 30:17
17 But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the Lord, ‘because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.’
- Lord heal the hearts of the broken today.
- Father, we pray for those who have none but you to call on! Heal them
- Draw the outcasts to you, give them a place to belong.
Jeremiah 17:14
14 Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.
Father, when you do something, we know beyond any doubt that it is complete. Heal me and I will be healed. Save me and I will be saved!!
Isaiah 1:18
18 “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord.“Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.
Sin is the sort of infection that hinders restoration. This is why Christ had to die for us to be restored. The Lord is always extending a hand, as a father, to us as his children to return to him. In repentance, we are to take that hand that has been extended to us, we are to accept his forgiveness.
- Lord, thank you for drawing my heart back to you always.
- Thank you for the sacrifice of Christ that washes me clean.
- Thank you for righteousness!
- I will not hold against myself what you have forgiven me for.
- Make my crooked paths straight oh Lord! May I always be seen in your business.
2 Corinthians 5:17
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:a]”>[a] The old has gone, the new is here!
- Lord, I thank you for the grace that it is to be in Christ!
- Thank you for making me a new creation, for giving me a clean slate.
1 John 5:4
4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.
Even when we don’t recognise, walk-in or see this truth, we are born of God and have overcome this world. Even though we are in it, we are no longer of it!!
- Father let our minds be focused on things above.
- May our walk be a testament to a Holy God!
Acts 3:19-21
Take time to seek true repentance. This is a state of walking away from all that is not Christ, that you may live in the fullness that he is.
Refresh My Soul
Psalm 23:3
Though we reside and function in bodies, we are spirit and soul. King David testifies to the wonder that it the refreshment of the soul. Let this be your testimony today. Pray this scripture. Speak it as if it has already happened, such is faith in a capable God!
Restore joy
Psalm 51:10,12
Whatever joy has been stolen from you by words of others, by life’s tests or by any other means, let it be restored to you in Jesus’ name!
- Father create in me a clean heart. Purify all that is impure in me.
- May that joy of knowing you are restored to me.
- Father anything in me that is rebellious and unwilling to yield to you, let it bow in Jesus’ name.
Prayer for Hope
Romans 15:13
- Father, we choose to trust in you completely today, without reservation!
- You are the God of hope! We rebuke any hopelessness from our sphere!
- As we trust in you, Lord, fill us with joy and peace.
- May hope spring eternally through your Holy Spirit!
Psalm 42:5
- Lord raise every downcast soul as we pray!
- May they remember that their hope is in you, ancient of days.
- You are not a God whoever fails.
Marriage and relationships
If you are praying for your marriage to be restored, you may want to see our prayer points for marriage. This is such a key area. All of life is about relationships if you think about it. This is where our greatest triumphs and temptations will be.
Ephesians 4:32
- Lord we pray for our partners, our spouses, our loved ones. If there is any wrong that we have done in their eyes even without noticing, touch their heart that they may forgive us.
- Lord, you commanded us to forgive others. If there is any record of wrongs that I am holding against my loved ones, take it away. I choose forgiveness.
Proverbs 17:9
- Father give us the spirit of discretion, to love as you do. That the wrongs of others would be covered by our love.
- Give us the maturity and wisdom to know when to shut up!
Matthew 18:15
- Lord bring us together as a couple. Teach us to deal with faults between the two of us in peace.
- Teach us to listen, and not be outspoken.
1 Peter 4:8
- Lord, I want that love of 1 Peter 4:8 to be in my marriage! Love that covers over a multitude of sins. The same love that sent Christ to the cross to cover a multitude of sins.
Our land
2 Chronicles 7:14
- Father, we come humbly before you for the restoration of our nations.
- Give us uncommon faith in our nations.
- Father, it is only through your grace that we can turn away from our wicked ways! Lead us away from wicked ways, that we may walk with you.
- Hear us oh Lord, forgive our sins and heal our land!
Psalm 71:20
- Thank you, Lord, for all that I have been through, good and bad! For you have a purpose for it all.
- Restoration is my portion!
- Thank you for raising me up again.
May the glory of our latter days be greater than that of our former!
Proverbs 6:30-31
- Whatever thief has been taking from my life, let them restore sevenfold in Jesus’ name!
- Any evil hand that has been working in the shadows for my downfall, may they be used to raise me higher!
Romans 8:28
- Thank you, sovereign Lord, for being a sovereign God! Working all things for my good even when I am unwittingly working against you.
Psalm 66:12
- Let this be our testimony! Even after all that I have been through, even after all that you have had to endure! Fire and water! God is bringing you into a place of abundance!
Zechariah 9:12
- Lord, you are our fortress, we return to you!
- Thank you for restoring twice as much to us!
- Greater things have yet to come!!
We thank God for restoration. We are grateful for all the prayer warriors across the world, who continue to partner us in prayer month after month. The Lord is not deaf to our cries, and we continue to see testimonies that prove this! Let’s share these prayer points with someone who needs restoration!! Prayer for restoration brings restoration!
Our team is always keen to pray with you. Send in those prayer request!
Please correct this error : Lord may my heart not yearn for you.
It is after the Matthew 6:33 Scripture.
Thank you
Thanks. Having a look right away
Thank you for the prompt response. God bless you for this platform.
You’re welcome. Thank you for alerting us to the error.
thank you very much this is highly spiritual it has touched my heart and from now onwards my life will never the same again . i might have gone where i was not suppose to go but GOD will ensure i will end up in His hands
Amen!! We bless the name of the Lord!
Pray for restoration of the lost job, benefits, finances.
Father, we thank you for restoration for Sephats. In Jesus’ name. Whatever the enemy has taken from him, give him sevenfold. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Great and insightful reflections/prayers
Thank you for your feedback. God bless you.
is a privilege for me to comment in this paragraph about the wondrous work of our Lord Jesus his mercy endures forever and is ever been faithful to does who trust and hope on him.
We bless the name of the Lord!
It is quite a privilege for me,having come across this site. Indeed I’m so blessed.
May the name of God be praise.Amen
We are humbled by your words. Thank you.
Thank you for your time in putting this together!
Thanks for reading Sam. Prayer is essential.
Am blessed this morning..thankyou for this site…inspiration is high.God bless everyone for contributions
Hi,may you pliz forward me all the 50 prayer points? Am really blessed.