3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
Saying a prayer for the sick? I believe that at one point or another in our walk with Christ, a time comes for something within us to be healed. So often, many of us or our loved ones battle life-threatening illnesses. That causes us to not only question the mere existence of God but, more so, His ability or His desire to heal us. That is where prayer for healing comes alive.
I am convinced now more than ever that we serve a God who not only has the power to bring healing into our bodies. He also has the power to bring healing into our hearts and it is His good pleasure to do so. The following prayer points are designed to assist you during such a time when a loved one or you are in need of physical, emotional or spiritual healing.
I have listed some of what I believe to be the essential keys to activating the will of God in your life. Based on my own experience and relationship with the Lord. Our team has worked on these prayer points for healing; may the Lord use them for his glory.
Dear God
Father, we bless your name for these prayer points for healing. We speak a blessing and healing to all who will pray with us and those who will be prayed for. Holy Spirit, we ask for your guidance for all who use these prayer points. Let it not be about what we have written here but about who you are. May healing be their portion. We speak health and wholeness to every cell in their body. Healing to malignant cells, inexplicable pain, disease that is yet to be diagnosed, emotional healing, mental healing and spiritual healing. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen

Prayer for Healing
Page Contents
FAITH prayer for the sick
My friend, I have boldened, I have italicised, I have underlined and I have magnified the word faith because, in my experience, that is the foundation, the catalyst, the driver and the basis upon which our entire relationship with God is hinged.
Hebrews 11:1 says “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen.”
In my walk with God, I would say the most challenging part has been the ‘faith part’.
Prayer for health hinges on God being a loving father, a capable father and one who delights in giving health.
Not so much believing that God can heal me but more so believing that God wants to heal me. Me. As in me. Simple old me. That God would be willing to take the time to touch and change my situation in favour of victory for me?
Many of you reading this may identify with what I have just said. It’s not that you don’t believe that God has the power or the authority to heal you or your loved one, it’s that God would actually want to do it for you?
Sure, He has done it for so many of those other people. But for me? This has been my struggle, but through prayer and the teaching of God’s word, I have come to realize that God not only can bring healing into my life but that He wants to bring healing into my life. Yes, me, as in me as in simple little old me! He has ears for my prayer for healing!
- Lord, I pray for the conviction that you are God and that you can bring healing into my body, my heart or my spirit.
- I am convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have the power, the authority and the dominion to subdue the illness, sickness or challenge that I am currently facing.
- Lord, I want to get well! I want to be restored to full health and I know that that is in line with your promise.

Lean not on your own understanding
There is always something you cannot see controlling what you can. Ephesians 6:12 says
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (NKJV)
If we could only understand this, I believe that our entire approach towards sickness and life’s challenges would not only be altered but I believe that we will be one step closer to the victory that awaits us in Jesus Christ.
If satan can only shift your focus from God and get you to focus on your illness he knows that he will not only have stripped you off of the armour to fight but that he would have misdirected all your efforts.
When faced with a life-threatening diagnosis from the doctor so, many of us begin to fight, physically. We wage war not only on ourselves but sometimes on the people around us. My friend, war is indeed necessary, but our battle is not physical.
Our battle is purely spiritual. We attain our healing on our knees, the battle is won through prayer! And until we can get to a point where we understand fully that our healing is from God and although God is willing and able to bring healing into our lives, our prayer is the vessel that we use to communicate with Him and subsequently grants Him the leeway to act in our lives on our behalf.
- Father, in this time of trial, I make a conscious decision to believe your word and your report over that of the world or the doctor.
- I surrender it all to you; I surrender the medical report, the pain and the illness to you; I spread the lies of satan before your throne. (King Hezekiah)
- I pray that you would provide me with an understanding greater than my own. That you would give me the spiritual eyes to see this situation the way you see it, from your perspective and not from the enemies. “Lean not on your understanding, in all your ways seek the will of God, and He will make your paths straight
- Please show me how I am to go. Please show me the path I am to take as I walk down this journey. – Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil
- Lord, I pray that you would give me the strength to put on the full armour of God and stand firmly against the wiles of the devil.
Prayer, praise and worship
When you pray, something supernatural happens. Mountains move when you pray. Strongholds break when you pray. Waters part, when you pray. Victory is delivered, when you pray! Prayer is not a means or a method to guilt trip God or to convince God to heal us. Similarly, when you praise God when you love God, you don’t do that because our God has a big ego.
You praise Him because through praising our God, amongst other things, you get perspective. You come into alignment with that which is happening in the unseen and you take your rightful place in the choirs of Heaven as you come together with the saints and the angels in singing songs of praise to Our God.
Through praising God, you invite God into the depths of your Spirit, and you not only pledge your allegiance to Him but you invite Him to sit and reign on the throne of your life. “But You are Holy, Enthroned in the praises of Israel” Ps. 22:3 (NKJV)
Dear friend, when you praise God you are building the throne that God shall sit upon as He reigns in your situation! When you praise God in the midst of illness and sickness, you are letting God know that you give Him full authority and dominion over your situation. Above that, you are letting the enemy that he doesn’t have your focus and that he doesn’t have dominion over your thoughts.
- Father, I praise You and worship You during this difficult time.
- I give you full authority and dominion over my health.
- I know that You know the plans You have for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future.
- Although I have yet to experience my victory in this, I will praise and bless your name. (Jehoshaphat)
The stumbling block of Iniquity
Confession is an essential component of any child of God. So many of us seek to hear from God and we seek to meet with God whilst we hold hostage so much hurt, pain, anger, unforgiveness or sin neatly tucked away in the dark corners of our hearts, but just because we manage to fool those around us we think we can fool God. Healing starts from within. When your conscience is clear, faith for your healing rises.
There are certain men that came to the prophet Ezekiel seeking wisdom and guidance. These men were, according to the average Israelite, ‘godly men’. Men that in public claimed to fear God and walk according to His instruction. God’s response to these men through the prophet is interesting and eye-opening, and so relevant in today’s world. He said, “Son of man, these men have set up idols in their heart…” (Ezekiel 14:3).
The Lord was saying, “These men have come to you saying they want to hear a word from me — that they want to walk in obedience to my commands. But they are lying. They have secret sins in their life”.
Due to Saul’s inward battle with jealousy and pride, the Lord would not speak to him for the rest of his days on this earth. He sought the word of the Lord, but there was no response. Our sins create a barrier between God and us. So many of us may believe God for healing yet in the same breath-holding onto that adulterous affair. Something has got to give.
I would rather it be sin and not my relationship with God. We live in a world that is so afraid to offend. So afraid to speak the truth for fear we might say something contrary to our convictions. Thank goodness the word of God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
We must confess our sins, we must seek to have right standing with God and because we live under Grace, if we confess our sins, he is just and faithful and will not only forgive us our sins but he will cleanse us off of all unrighteousness.
- Lord, I come before your throne of grace with confession on my lips and repentance in my heart. Lord, I confess that I ……………………………..
- I thank You for forgiving my sins and providing me with the right standing with you
- Help me to forgive those who trespass against me as You have forgiven me.
- I pray that Your Holy Spirit would minister to me regarding more areas in my life that need confession and where I may need forgiveness from You.
- I permit you to uncover all stumbling blocks of iniquity that stand in the way of my fellowship with you in the name of Jesus.
Fear does not disqualify you from receiving victory
I don’t know in what area you are seeking healing for. It could be a chronic illness, it could be an infrequent headache, or it could be that you need God to cure your broken heart. All qualify and Jesus sees you and He understands you.
As a child of God, I have so often found myself feeling afraid of the outcome, and for some reason, I was convinced that fear is the opposite of faith. Fear is not the opposite of faith. God understands our fear.
God understands that it is scary to receive that medical report. God understands that it is heartbreaking to not know how many Christmas’ you have left with your loved ones.
Having those thoughts does not mean that you lack faith. Subsequently, pretending as if you do not have those thoughts, also does not mean that you have faith.
The opposite of faith, I believe, is self-sufficiency. It is taking matters into your own hands and believing that in your own and due to your own strength, you will be healed. That is a lack of faith.
So many of us are weary from the match of life because we won’t pass the ball onto Jesus. Imagine yourself in a football, rugby or soccer match. On one team you have God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, maybe a couple of Angels and you. On the other team, you have Satan and his followers.
The Trinity team is yelling and cheering you on to pass the ball so they can score or make a touchdown, but because you refuse to throw the ball you find yourself dodging satan and his demons and by the end of the match you have not only lost the match but you are exhausted.
Why? Because you wouldn’t pass the ball. This is what we do in life, with our health, with our children and our jobs or lack thereof or with our marriages. We refuse to pass the ball onto Jesus so that He can deliver our victory to us.
- Lord Jesus, I release myself from the pressures of trying to achieve victory on my own.
- I relinquish all that needs to be done, to You. I hand the ball over, for I know that victory belongs to You, Jesus.
- I believe that you can, I believe you will, and I believe you want to heal me.
……….He was elevated to the place of highest honor and given a name above ALL names, that at the name of Jesus, every knee would bow, in Heaven, on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord.
I love this scripture. In fact, it may very well be one of my favourite scriptures for one simple reason. It gives me perspective! It lets me know, it lets my health know, it lets the devil know, that MY King is the King of Kings. MY Lord is the Lord of Lords!
So, if your attacker’s name is cancer, you tell it that there is a name greater than cancer. If your attacker is unemployment, you tell unemployment that you serve a God whose name is above unemployment. If your attacker is divorce, you tell divorce that your Gods name is above the name of divorce. Picture your illness standing before you.
Personify your illness in your mind if you have to. Then as this sickness stands before you I want you to stand squarely and firmly opposite this personified illness and I want you to imagine that at the exact moment that you scream out the name of Jesus with all your might and all the strength that you could possibly muster, this disease personified helplessly falls to its knees.
Overcome by an overwhelming presence that strips it off of any authority that it thought it had over you. My friend this is what happens when we come against our battles in the name of Jesus. Little old David, said to Big old Goliath, “You come against me with sword, spear and javelin but I come against you in the Name of the Lord Almighty the God of the armies of Israel whom you have defied!” So if whatever lays ahead of you seems too great and mighty to bare, I urge you to get some perspective!
- Father, I pray that you would open my eyes to see that You reign over my health and that only Your name is above all names.
- Help me walk firmly in the truth that I stand from a perspective of victory which you achieved on the cross just for me.
- Lord, grant me the wisdom to see this Goliath that stands before me for the powerless giant that it is.
- Please help me to grasp the fact that you have no equal. You have no counterpart. You are not seated on Your throne, struggling to come up with the next move.
- I pray for perspective, Lord.
Prayer for health: Do you want to get well?
The healing at Bethesda is a well-known story in the bible. This is the one where Jesus asked the invalid “What can I do for you?” I remember reading this for the first time and wondering, “How could Jesus ask such a thing?” Of course, the man wants to get well. Who wouldn’t?
Why do you think Jesus asked such an obvious question? I believe that Jesus saw something in this man that He probably sees in many of us that are in need of healing but are no longer waiting on God for that healing.
When Jesus asked him if he wanted to get well this man clearly did not recognize that he was talking to the One True Healer. The One True God. The Messiah. Instead, he started telling Jesus that he had no one to help him into the pool when the water was stirred up.
In some versions of the bible, it says that an angel of the Lord would come and stir up this pool of water and the first person to get into the pool after it had been stirred would be healed. This man did not know that the God of this angel is the One that was asking him, ‘Do you want to get well?’
How many of us would recognize Jesus if He asked us, ‘Do you want to get well?’ We live in an unfortunate time where children of God are worshipping men of God more than they worship God Himself. The man in this scripture indeed turned to God, He knew to seek help from God but he sought God with the wrong goal in mind.
As you walk through this journey, seeking healing from the Lord. Remember that Gods desire is to have direct fellowship with YOU on a daily basis.
- Dear Father, I want to get well!
- I pray that you would help me to always keep my eyes focused on you and not on the vessels that you have gifted us with to remind us of your word. (I lift my eyes up to the hill)
- Where healing is merely mine for the taking, grant me the wisdom to know when to pick my mat up and walk!
- Renew my spirit daily. That I may never become discouraged and lose focus of You when you come knocking.
Praying for the sick

Praying for the sick
Meditate on the following verses:
Isaiah 53:4-5 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes, we are healed.
Psalms 107:19-20Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saveth them out of their distresses. He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction.
Psalms 30:2-3O LORD my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me. 30:3 O LORD, thou hast brought up my soul from the grave: thou hast kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit.
Psalms 103:2-4 Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
Jeremiah 17:14 Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.
1 Peter 2:24Who his own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
Philippians 4:6-8 Be careful with nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
- Father, we come against unclean spirits and demonic oppressions that causes sickness and disease in the Name of Jesus.
- Father, we declare that anyone being held captive by these forces of darkness breaks loose in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Father we pray for those lying in sickness, grant them faith to receive divine healing Lord. Father may they have access to hear your word and believe for their healing.
- Father, equip more of your servants with the gift of healings and miracles.
- Father, we ask for more of your healing anointing in our Church services, meetings and gatherings.
- May divine healings and miracles increase and be more evident in the Church in Jesus’ Name.
- Father according to Your Word in 2 Corinthians 4:13 which says “…I believed and therefore have I ..”, We declare by faith that we are victors in this life.
- We refuse to be dominated by the forces of darkness in our health.
- We reign over sickness and disease, demons of darkness and death!
- We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus! The life of God is in us. Therefore, all fear is gone!
- We are assured of health and long life In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
- Lord, thank you for bearing our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and for carrying our sorrows and pains on the cross of Calvary.
- Thank you Lord for by Your stripes we were healed two-thousand years ago on the cross of Calvary. Hallelujah!!!!
- Father, we declare in the Name of Jesus that we are complete in Christ! Nothing is lacking in our bodies, souls or spirits!
- Everything that is supposed to be in us is there, and nothing needs to be added or taken out! Our organs are functioning as normal in the Name of Jesus!
- Our hearts are beating normally, our lungs are taking in air normally, our eyes are seeing normally, in the Name of Jesus!
- Our kidneys are functioning perfectly well; our muscles and tissues are in perfect condition!
- Our bodies respond to the Word of God and not to sickness! Hallelujah! The very stamp of God is upon us, for we are His finished products!
Our team’s goal is to continue to develop prayer aids that will continue to raise, enrich and to empower prayer warriors across the world. We are always looking to partner with ministries and individuals to achieve this goal. In 2018, we wanted to reach more people and expand as a team. Get in touch with us: prayerteam@prayerrelay.com