Miracle Prayer to Stop Divorce
Page Contents
We have unprecedented rates of divorce in the world today. Some data even suggests that these numbers are even higher within the church. People are no longer “Till death do us apart” as they used to. In years gone, marriage was an eternal covenant within our society. Nowadays couples get married on a whim, and divorce on another whim.
This is not entirely my own opinion, let us look at the numbers behind these figures.
Divorce rates per 100 marriages in Europe.
Divorce rates in Europe in 2015, by country (per 100 marriages) pdf
Europe has some astounding divorce rates, according to the data we have. Portugal for instance sees 3 out of every 4 marriages ending in divorce. That’s an incredible 75% of marriages not going the journey.
There are two key things to note when interpreting the data shown above, divorce rates have seemingly decreased over time. 25% less divorces recorded in 2016 than there were in the 90s. The two factors that are not considered in this is that, there are also less marriages recorded in 2016 than there were in the 90s. In the 90s, marriage was the norm, which is not so much the case nowadays. In our society today, it is perfectly normal to remain unmarried.
Why is marriage important: christians and divorce
Christian divorce advice: It helps the kids
Marriage is the bedrock and foundation of most of the good things within the Christian family. It is common knowledge that both father and mother are essential for the development of children. Being raised without either the two leaves our children exposed to things that they could and should have been shielded from.
Strong marriages make it easier to build and raise strong children. This highlights the importance of marriage.
Ecclesiastes 4: 9
9 Two people are better than one. When two people work together, they get more work done.
Marriage facilitates eternal companionship. It gives you someone to build a life together with. It pairs you up with someone with whom you may share a vision. Beyond sharing, you have an extra pair of hands and brain to build your visions. Life is incredibly challenging. There is a Shona proverb that says, “Rume rimwe harikombe churu.” One man/woman cannot surround a hill. No matter what it is that you want to achieve in this lifetime, a companion, a destiny helper lightens the load.
Proverbs 5: 18-19
18 Be happy with your own wife. Enjoy the woman you married while you were young. 19 She is like a beautiful deer, a lovely fawn. Let her love satisfy you completely. Stay drunk on her love,
Intimacy is fulfilling. Sexual intimacy is fulfilling. I will concede that nowadays sex is no longer held in the same reverence that it used to be in generations gone by. Sex is meant to be a place of mutual vulnerability. Today, it is a conquest for men, and increasingly for women as well.
As we give this gift away to more and more people, that intimacy that should have been given to a special individual, the value diminishes.
God’s will
Genesis 2:18 New International Version (NIV)
18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”
It was God’s will in the beginning that Adam would not be alone, so he crafted a beautiful companion for him. This is the same mould that is key for us today. The Apostle Paul warns of the difficulty of marriage, but encourages us to marry, rather than burn with passion and desire.
As believers we know that God’s plan is best. If he thinks it is not good for this man to be alone, there is some wisdom in that. This is not to say that, marriage is for everyone.
We are selfish beings in a selfish world. Marriage grants us an opportunity to be continuous and consistent givers. We have the chance to support someone else’s vision, and not just our own.
Good marriages build models for generations to come. Seeing my grandparents’ marriage as a child made me want to meet a woman who would love me as my grandmother loved my grandfather. It made me want to love someone, as I had seen my grandfather treat his favourite lady.
Without a good model, what do we have to look up to? There is a clear correlation between less and less of these models, with lower rates of marriages and higher rates of divorce.
Christian Divorce Advice
Christian divorce is incredibly difficult. The late Dr Myles Munroe once argued that divorce is the hardest of all endeavours in life, even harder than death. He argued that death gave closure, which marriages seldom affords us. In death, we can bury this person, and no matter how much it hurts, we carry on. Once there are buried, we can carry on with our lives.
Divorce on the other hand doesn’t play out this way. We may have to continue to see this person for the rest of our lives. It is a wound that will continue to be disturbed from healing. This is especially so where children are involved. You have to meet with this person that you once cared so deeply about, but has broken your heart, or you now dispise. You have to see them at family gathering, children’s birthdays and so on. They are dead to you, but still walking.
The enhance difficulty of Christian divorce is that there may be an added pressure on both of you from the church community. There are fingers pointed in the shadows. The church is indeed a hospital, full of broken and hurt people.
Divorce in the bible: Christian views on divorce
We first encounter divorce in the bible when Moses permits men to give their wives a divorce certificate if they are not up to scratch. Like many other things in history, women got the raw deal in this case. Moses permitted divorce, because of the hardness of our hearts. Mark 10
Divorce is not the divine plan of God.
Malachi 2:16 (NKJV)
16 “For the Lord God of Israel says
That He hates divorce, For it covers one’s garment with violence,”
Says the Lord of hosts.
“Therefore take heed to your spirit,That you do not deal treacherously.”
Perhaps this is the place where your marriage is today. The Lord’s will is that you be kept together. We are instructed not to put asunder, what the Lord has put together, but we have a bad habit of putting things together ourselves.
Divorce in the new testament
Can Christians divorce?
The simple answer is, Yes. Let’s see what Jesus had to say about this.
The new testament recalls a moment when Jesus spoke about the subject of divorce. This was in response to a tricky question being posed to him.
Mark 10:2
2 The Pharisees came and asked Him, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?” testing Him.
They pose a question as a trap. Does Jesus stand up for the law, or go against Moses?
3 And He answered and said to them, “What did Moses command you?”
4 They said, “Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce, and to dismiss her.”
Jesus responds by referring them back to the law to which they were referring to.
5 And Jesus answered and said to them, “Because of the hardness of your heart he wrote you this [a]precept. 6 But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’ 7 ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, 8 and the two shall become one flesh’; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9 Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.”
Moses was in the business of facilitating reconciliation between God and his people. This is why the law was put in place. To work with the hardened hearts of mankind. Yet God’s will remains, what he has joined together, no man should separate.
10 In the house His disciples also asked Him again about the same matter. 11 So He said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. 12 And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”
His disciples desired clarity, so they asked for it, and he could not have been any clearer.
- Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her
- If a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.
Moses’ law mentions the right of man to lawfully divorce woman. Jesus alludes to the woman divorcing man as well. This is not to champion divorce, but to highlight the way Jesus came to shake up things. There are two key components to remember when it comes to divorce in the New Testament:
- What God has put together. It does not say what lust, or parents, or friends or mankind. It is what God has put together. We are to never build anything outside of Christ.
- Relations post divorce are considered adultery. When we break what God has brought together, and replace it with our own will, lust or “wisdom” we have strayed.
Biblical grounds for divorce
Deuteronomy 24:1 King James Version (KJV)
24 When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house.
- Loss of favour in her husband’s eyes. Which could mean anything really.
- He has found some uncleanness in her. This could be that she has cheated on him.
How to get over a divorce
There are many remedies that people would recommend for getting over a divorce. What works for one person will not bear the same results for another. The key things that remain is to deal with the root issues. At the risk of being overly simplistic, dealing with these two issues will certainly set you up in your way to getting over a divorce.
- There is hurt being carried, ask that the Lord would take it away, and bring healing to your heart.
- Unforgiveness is absolutely key. Ask that the Lord would teach you to forgive your ex husband/wife. There is no true prayer without love. There is no forgiveness outside of love. When you pray for someone, God softens your heart towards that person, as undeserving as they may be of you forgiveness. May the Lord show you their brokenness.
- Improve yourself. Marriage can become a defining factor to who we are. Find yourself again. Who are you, outside of your spouse? Who are you in Christ? Who are you in your singleness? Identify your beauty and magnify it. Identify your flaws and better yourself!
Prayer for divorce healing: Prayer for marriage restoration
Dear God,
I am hurting. This divorce has left me scarred,
but I know you to be a healer.
You said to come to you when we are weary and heavy ladened.
This divorce has left me weary,
I am heavy ladened.
Give me grace to forgive my ex-husband/wife
Give me grace to forgive myself
Heal my heart
Teach me to love, as you love.
Let this not be the end for me, oh God.
Carry me forward!
In Jesus’ name!
Divorce and remarriage in the bible
Marriage divorce and remarriage
Jesus talks about the implications of divorce and remarriage. He makes it clear that we are not break what God has put together, and replace it with our desires. Many marriages are brought to an abrupt end due to one spouse desiring to be with someone else. The husband or wife meets a younger person, and leave their marriage to pursue that relationship. Marriage should be a reason to not be looking with desire at others.
Yet, human nature is to desire all things. It is to be disobedient and self-serving. Love demands that we would serve others.
Although the question of divorce and remarriage is not clearly addressed in scripture, on the basis of having gone rogue with and marriage, and remarrying the one whom God wills. It is commonly done among Christians today.
My wife/husband wants a divorce
Let us concede that at times divorce will come knocking even when you have been the best possible husband. People change, and their desires follow suit. If you are facing divorce papers, because your wife wants a divorce, take heart. God is still God, and he is still with you.
Here is prayer for preservation of your marriage:
Miracle prayer to stop divorce and restore marriage
prayer for marriage restoration
- Lord, my wife/husband wants a divorce, I desire to save this marriage. I put this into your hands. Intervene oh Lord!
- Show me the error of my ways, that I may be the wife/husband that you created me to be. Ephesians 5:25
- Soften my wife’s heart, oh God. That she may see your will.
- We stand against any voices of detractors that may be plotting against our marriage in the shadows. May the mouth of my enemies be shut.
- Lord I ask that you would mediate between us. Where my words are not enough, where my actions are not enough, do what only you can.
- Father by faith, I declare that it is well with my marriage! It will live on, in Jesus’ name.
Prayer for son/daughter going through divorce
Besides going through a divorce yourself, seeing someone whom you care so deeply for go through it is difficult. Our prayer right now is that God would carry them through this hard time.
Dear God,
I bring my son/daughter before today
In this difficult time, may you grace be known
In this dark period, let your light shine brightest
May hope arise in him/her
We pray for restoration of all that is lost
Lost in material and in things imaterial
Father, we pray for resolution and restoration
Peace is his/her portion
May your will prevail
We silence the word of the enemy over this situation
Let you word stand
You have the last word.
Let a testimony come out of this!
In Jesus’ name
Prayer for marriage restoration after separation
Prayer for separated couples: prayer for troubled marriage
Separation is a glass half filled situation in regards to marriage. Whether it is one with a positive or a negative outlook remains in your hands. We understand that our God can do incredible things with mustard seed faith. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? We are praying and believing God for restoration of marriage after separation.
Prayer for divorce to stop
prayer for broken marriage
- Father I am hurting, I ask that you would intervene in this separation.
- By your grace, this separation will not be unto divorce.
- Give our marriage an unprecedented strength and resilience.
- Where we have not built on you, God, we commit it to you today.
- Renew my marriage.
- Revive my marriage.
- We ask for complete restoration.
- Bring my husband/wife back to me, oh God!
- Father mediate between us. Show us the error of our ways.
- Teach us to love selflessly as you do.
Prayer for divorce to stop pdf
God restored my marriage after separation
May the Lord put these words into your mouth, “God restored my marriage after separation!” Let this be your testimony, in Jesus’ name!
Will God restore my marriage after divorce?
Perhaps the more important question is if God can? Of course he can restore your marriage after a divorce. Our God is a God of resurrection. That same power that pulled Lazarus out of the grip of death, can pull your marriage out of the rubble.
That same power that resurrected Christ from a borrowed tomb, surely God can do it again. Pray!
Prayer for marriage restoration after divorce
Dear God,
You are God over time, over situation
You are God even over things that are broken
You are a God of restoration
You are a God of resurrection
I am divorced
I want to be with my spouse
Father bring us back together
Restore our marriage oh God
In Jesus’ name
Prayer for marriage restoration after divorce pdf
Prayer against divorce
Prayer to save marriage from divorce
Divorce is a terrible blow to the sanctity of marriage. We believe in the importance of family to the body of Christ. It is not God’s will that marriages that he has put together be pulled apart. Our prayer today is that God would arise and scatter his enemies. Let your marriage stand!
Dear God
My marriage is in your hands.
You put us together.
Keep us together, oh God.
Heal us, of wounds that we don’t even know are wounds.
Where i have hurt my spouse, forgive me.
Where my spouse has hurt me, enable me to forgive.
I shall no longer hold on to offence.
Divorce is not our portion!
This marriage will not fall apart.
Revive us, oh God!
Raise a might testimony,
In Jesus’ name!
May your glory be seen in this!
Words of encouragement for a divorced woman/man
We can be ruthless to those who have failed. The church can be a cold place for divorcees. This is not the will of God. We are called to show love to those desperately in need of it.
God’s view of you has not changed as a result of this. As you grieve, so does he!
Deuteronomy 31:6 New International Version (NIV)
6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Genesis 28:15 New International Version (NIV)
15 I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”
Isaiah 1:18
18 “Come now, and let us reason together,” saith the Lord. “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
Matthew 11:28-30 New International Version (NIV)
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
I need a joint prayer for a family going through the process of separation, that God should intervene, it will not lead to divorce and sooner than we think God will heal their hearts and bring them back together.
Praying with you, my sister. The Lord answers by fire. May your family be preserved in Jesus’ name!
Amen .i am also going through a tough time. My husband is in love with our neighbor .she knows me and she is fighting to destroy my marriage. I used to help her sisters and doing good to her .my husband sleeps at her house sometimes and come back home.he claims to be in love with her and everytime we discus about her he end up saying he that he doesn’t love me anymore. I do have faith that God will heal my marriage .I know that one day i will share my testimony
Father we speak against this detractor in Jesus’ name! No man or woman will come between this couple. In the name of Jesus’ let those that seek to steal her peace have none of their own. Restore what has been broken. Let this marriage be stronger than ever before. In Jesus’ name. AMen
Please pray for my wife and myself, help save our marriage.
Dear Dan. We are praying for you. Father, let this marriage be preserved in Jesus’ name. May your glory be seen in this.
After 6-7 years together with 2 years of marriage and my husband has requested a divorce and stated that he doesn’t love or care about me anymore and that he’s doesn’t find my attractive anymore and that he has been feeling that way for a while now. I’m praying that God Soften my husband heart and for God to fill it back up with the love that we once had for each other I’m praying to God for my marriage to be restore in the Gods name and we will be able to come back to together as one as Gods will as he was the one that put us together. I’m praying for a miracle in Jesus Christ name amen!
Lord, we pray for preservation of this marriage. May dialogue be established. Heal where there has been hurt. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen
Dear Believers – I’m praying for a miracle. My wife wants a divorce, but I desire to save this marriage. I am putting this into Jesus’ hands.
I am asking for His Intervention!
Please pray to the Lord to restore this marriage.
Please pray for the Lord to show me me the error of my ways, that I may be the husband that He created me to be. Ephesians 5:25
Please pray to soften Bunmi’s heart that she may see His will.
We stand against any voices of detractors that may be plotting against our marriage in the shadows.
Please pray that the mouth of my enemies be shut.
Please pray that the Lord would mediate between us.
Where my words are not enough, where my actions are not enough, do what only you can.
Father by faith, I declare that it is well with my marriage!
It will live on, in Jesus’ name.
His Messenger
Dear Drew, we have been standing with you in prayer. May the Lord restore your marriage in Jesus’ name! We stand with you on the word that the mouths of your enemies will be shut. May the Lord raise a mightier testimony through this. In Jesus’ name! AMen
Good day. I need prayers. My husband just filed for divorce. I need God’s
intervention to stop the process and restore our marriage
Lord, we pray for this marriage in Jesus’ name! We thank you for restoration. Whatever has come between this couple is no match for you. We ask this in Jesus’ name! Amen
I ask in everything that I have to give me the strength to change. Please pray that he won’t leave me forever. Let us work through this our family has had a lot of pain. I need help and pray my hardest to save this relationship and help our kids heal and my husband. Thank you God and everyone.
Lord we thank you for Robin. You are her rock and shield. We thank you for strength in her time of need. Guide and keep her. Give her wisdom and insight in all she sets out to do. In Jesus’ name. Amen
Good night.
Please pray for my marriage to be restore. My husband left the house. Already 5months. But we have contact over the phone and text each other. One 1 day his nice other day his rude.
father, you have done this before and are faithful to do it again. We pray that you will restore this marriage. In Jesus’ name. Draw the husband back to his family!
Prayer please for the family of LH and PH that divorce doesn’t happen,the separation ends and that he comes home to her and his children! Prayer that God intervenes quickly and removes him from the home of the affair and restores him to the home he is supposed to be in with his family! Prayer for his salvation also!!
Praying for you. Our God is a God of restoration and preservation. Let this be your testimony. In Jesus’ name. Amen